Join Valley County Pickleball Club

VCPC Membership Form

  • Add to text group? (Texts about where to play today, and other happenings). Click YES or NO.
  • Release of Liability and Player Conduct Agreement

    By paying your membership dues, you agree to the release of liability and to adhere to VCPC member and conduct guidelines.
  • VCPC does not do any evaluation or recommendation as to whether I am fit for exercise and recommends that I obtain medical clearance from my physician before use.

    I agree there is risk of injury or death associated with my use of pickleball facilities. VCPC does not provide a person to monitor use of these facilities or provide instruction regarding any aspect of the facilities. I am voluntarily participating in the activities of the VCPC.

    I release, waive and forever discharge VCPC and its officers, directors, and members from any and all claims, demands, damages, actions, and lawsuits resulting from my injury or death due to the negligence of or any other conduct of the VCPC or its members.

    I agree to adhere to VCPC member and player conduct guidelines:

    I agree to indemnify and defend the VCPC and its agents from any claims made by any individual having used or claiming to have used their facilities through or under me or my membership.

  • Membership Dues

    Note: The Annual Membership period is July 1 – June 30. After March 1 each year, any new or renewal memberships will be valid through June 30th of the following calendar year. (example: If you join on or after March 15 of 2024, your membership will be valid until June 30, 2025)
  • *Please complete a separate application for each member joining or renewing. If you prefer to pay by check, please e-mail Evelyn Banfield ([email protected]) to request a mail-in registration form. 
  • *Note: A $1000 donation will be recognized with a 10-year honorary membership
  • $0.00