• We have an exciting update on the new Courts Project – Thanks to fundraising events, sponsorships and other donations, we have now raised over $250,000.  BUT WAIT….. there’s more!…
    In June, we presented the project and need to Valley County Recreation Advisory Council.  That Council subsequently wrote a letter to Valley County Commissioners, recommending use of some of the County’s Covid Relief funds for the pickleball courts project.  On July 31st, Valley County Commissioners unanimously approved funding to help us build all 9 courts as originally planned.  Thanks to the VCPC Courts Committee Members who have been working diligently on this project for almost 3 years, we will soon have shovels in the ground!
    How can you help?  If you have been pondering “will it really happen? or should I donate?”  NOW IS THE TIME… 
    We have an anonymous donor that will DOUBLE MATCH any new donations received between now and Aug 15th, up to $20k. That means if you donate $1,000 now, we will receive an additional $2,000 from that anonymous donor.  
    As we close in on the construction launch date, every dollar will be of vital importance.  Don’t forget, VCPC is a non-profit organization, AND any donation of $1000 or more will be recognized with a complimentary 10-year club membership.  Other sponsorship opportunities include $10,000 to “name a court”, or $2,500 to Sponsor a Net or Bench.  Donations of ANY amount are appreciated.
    To learn more about the project, sponsorships and how to donate, go to Valley County Idaho Pickleball (valleycountypickleball.com) or contact our Treasurer Nancy Bloomfield at [email protected] / 208-301-8013.
    in other news:  Thanks to Hope Ayres, Kim Carley and Mike Heyer for conducting “how to play” lessons during July, bringing in 30 new players to our famously friendly fun sport.  See the summer play schedule here and have FUN! Summer Play Schedule
    Watch our Facebook page and website for upcoming events including our fall club picnic & play event and the fall adopt-a-highway clean up, dates to be announced soon.
    Thank You,
    Valley County Pickleball Club Board of Directors:
    President: Evelyn Banfield, 775-291-6880
    Vice President Hope Ayres, 208-724-6188
    Secretary: Jan Eby, 208-861-5468
    Treasurer: Nancy Bloomfield, 208-301-8013