From now until Dec 31, 2021, any $1,000 donation (or higher) to our Lake Fork Courts project will receive a 10-year VCPC Club membership!  This is a great way to lock in 10 years of membership, AND obtain a tax-deductible donation for 2021.
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America, and provides recreational activity for people of all ages. Currently, there are an estimated 300 pickleball players in Valley County, with no dedicated outdoor public pickleball courts. In an effort to add more opportunities for outdoor recreation, VCPC and M&M Pickleball clubs, working in conjunction with Valley County Parks & Recreation, will build an outdoor pickleball complex on county land in Lake Fork, ID that has been dedicated by Valley County Commissioners for this project.
The cost of building the complex is estimated at $400,000. Our Capital funding committee is pursuing various grants that require matching funds. It is our hope that pickleball advocates and outdoor recreation enthusiasts will support this project through personal and/or corporate donations.
Nearly $100,000 has been raised to date!  $200,000 is needed by June 15th, 2022 in order to obtain a $25k grant match commitment from the Morrison foundation, as well as meet the 50% match requirement in order to apply for targeted Idaho Parks and Recreation Funding.
WE NEED YOUR HELP!  Please consider donating and also helping us identify other potential donors in your circles of businesses and friends.
Project Sponsorship Levels:
$ 100,000: Marquis Court Complex Naming Rights
$ Premium Sponsors: $75,000 Platinum, $50,000 Gold, $25,000 Silver, $15,000 Bronze: Sponsor’s name will be prominently displayed on a recognition plaque, as well as included in Club signage, media, tournaments, clinics, and special events
$ 10,000: Name a Court – Court Names will be displayed on a single court, and will be used in tournaments, clinics, lessons and daily play
$ 5,000: Pickleball Spirit – your name prominently displayed on recognition plaque
$ 2,500: Net Sponsor – your name permanently displayed on a single court net
$ 1,000: Pickleball Patron – your name your name prominently displayed on recognition plaque
    Bonus Sponsorship Promotion: From now until Dec 31, 2021, any $1,000 or higher donation (or higher) will also receive a 10-year VCPC Club membership!
Friends of Pickleball – Choose your own donation amount
Please make your check payable to Valley County Pickleball, and mail to VCPC
Treasurer: Nancy Bloomfield, PO Box 595, Donnelly ID, 83615.
On-line donations can be made via VENMO: [email protected]
Valley County Pickleball Club is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Donation receipts provided upon request.
For more details, visit

or contact Fundraising Chair Doug Dvorak, 847-359-6969

Thank You for your Consideration
VCPC New Courts Committee