Valley County Pickleball Club WhatsApp Policy

The WhatsApp group is for the sole purpose of coordinating daily pickleball play among Valley County Pickleball Club members. Please keep conversations relevant to scheduling games, finding partners, sharing court information and lost items. Only VCPC-sponsored events may be communicated on WhatsApp. Non-related postings will be immediately removed. Please maintain respectful communication. Inappropriate comments or images that disparage any person(s) will result in loss of WhatsApp privileges.

Valley County Pickleball Club Member Code of Conduct

Conduct: VCPC enforces the USA Pickleball Sportsmanship Conduct Guidelines as follows:

Pickleball was created to be a fun, competitive, and highly social sport. Since its inception, it has embodied an ethic of good sportsmanship that includes respect, fair play, and graciousness in winning and losing. The purpose of this guide is to encourage behaviors that reflect these foundational values.

  1. Treat all players, officials, volunteers, staff, and spectators with courtesy and respect.

  2. Know the Official Rules of Pickleball, apply them fairly and cooperate in any situation that is not expressly covered by the rules.

  3. Practice good sportsmanship when making line calls.

  4. Call a fault on yourself or your partner as soon as the fault occurs, regardless of whether your opponents are aware of the fault.

  5. Claim a replay only if a hinder affects your team’s ability to play the ball.

  6. In social play, rotate on and off courts fairly, courteously, and in accordance with local practice.

  7. Make safety a priority while using common sense.

  8. As a stronger player in social play, be kind to other players.

  9. Be considerate about playing up and playing down.

  10. Be a respectful and supportive partner.

Violations of the USAP Sportsmanship Conduct Guidelines may result in disciplinary action, from verbal warning up to and including revocation of membership and inability to play in VCPC events, managed locations and designated play times.